
Cafe Momentum Breaks Ground on Dallas Flagship to Expand Its Outreach

January 26, 2025

Cafe Momentum, a Dallas restaurant that doubles as a nonprofit that teaches at-risk youth culinary skills, is expanding its mission with a new flagship “learning location.” Located in the Wilson Historic District (3001 Greenwood Street) in Old East Dallas — not far from the Cafe’s Downtown location, the new hub is expected to “provide interns with expanded resources, including mental health services, educational support, and workforce training,” according to a press release. Dallas nonprofit Meadows Foundation, which provides grants to aid initiatives in education, environment, homelessness, and mental health, donated the land for the property. The new campus aims to become a national hub and model for youth justice reform, furthering Cafe Momentum’s mission to provide job training to formerly incarcerated youths. It is expected to open in the first quarter of 2026.

Read more here: https://dallas.eater.com/2025/1/24/24351018/cafe-momentum-flagship-dallas